Company news
Change of Board of Association 8.2 Group e.V. - Heiko Wuttke new 1. Chairman
Since its foundation as union of all 8.2 companies, the 8.2 Group e.V. was directed by Jürgen Holzmüller as sole member of the Board of Association.
However, now he transfers his responsibilities to a newly elected Board team:
1. Chairman is Heiko Wuttke (8.2 Consulting AG), supported by his Vice Chairmen
Dietmar Obst (8.2 Obst & Hamm GmbH) and Jürgen Holzmüller (8.2 Ing.Büro Holzmüller).
Many thanks to Jürgen for his previous work in the last years & his renewed commitment to the Board for the next years.
Good luck & success to the new Board of Association!